M. Rezaul Haque Nayan, 20 years have been celebrated in Mak Hatchery Ltd.



It was a Project has been started by a people of highly experienced, financially sound and well-educated sponsors in the early 1996 with its establishment as a limited company in the name and style of Mak Hatchery Ltd. There are three letter (MAK) of this company name that elaborate three persons name who are the founder member of the company.

Dear colleague, friends, soulmates hope you will be happy to hear that in earlier September,1996 the time when the company started their journey; me M. Rezaul Haque Nayan have joined as on 27th september,1996 as a ‘Office Secratery’ for the company & now I am a ‘General Manager’ of the company. It was 20 years long I am serving with this company. I would like to thanks my honourable MD Sir, Director Sir, CFO Sir to give me such kind of opportunity. Everyone please keep in your prayers.